If you have a crisis emergency while on campus, contact the 咨询 Department immediately:
- 309-796-5199 or counseling@makersrun.com.
After Hours
- 罗伯特·杨中心:309-779-2031
- 24小时危机干预:309-779-2999
- BHC警察局:309-796-5911
- Call 911. 如果是校内电话,请拨5911.
Other 紧急热线 是可用的.
所有咨询服务对BHC在读学生都是免费的. 安排 保密 预约,请致电,发电子邮件或到我们的办公室在任何一个校园.
- 帮助澄清你的担忧
- 探索持续的咨询需求
- 确定额外的服务是否有益
无论您的问题是个人的、教育的还是社会的,我们都会帮助您. 我们协助您探索替代方案, weighing consequences and learning new skills to help you cope with and resolve the problems you are facing. Everything you discuss during your counseling session will be completely 保密.
- 医学(24/7): On-demand or scheduled access to a medical provider who can treat a wide range of common illnesses like cold and flu, 鼻窦炎, 过敏, 和更多的
- TalkNow (24/7): 按需访问心理健康专家,随时谈论任何事情
- 预定咨询: 预约与持牌顾问会面(每年不超过6次)
- 精神病学: 可通过校园咨询转介预约
- 免费的类: 瑜伽、冥想和其他健康导向的课程
- 秋天在每个校园举办社会服务博览会.
- 宣传月活动(由同侪导师带领).
- 每月减压活动:
- 宠物治疗由Quad Cities犬类援助网络(QC CAN)提供
- 瑜伽课程:从学习中休息一下,和我们一起参加免费的瑜伽课程.
- 艺术疗法:激活你的大脑! 顺便来创建一个艺术项目-不需要经验或才能!
- Gray Matters BHC聚会
他们试图提高人们的意识, provide education and serve as a resource to fellow BHC students on a wide variety of mental health issues.
的y will provide support, challenge you, commiserate with you, and be your cheerleader. 最重要的是,他们会倾听!
要联系同行导师,请发电子邮件 counseling@makersrun.com.
问!! 你或你关心的人有自杀倾向吗? 这里有一些链接可能会有所帮助. 一如既往地, you are more than welcome to talk to a BHC counselor about how to start the conversation, 如何帮助你认为可能受到伤害的人, 或者如何帮助自己!
的 全国预防自杀生命线 provides free and 保密 emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 一周7天.
拨打全国自杀热线800-273-TALK. 或者打电话,发短信,或者聊天 988年的生命线.org.
根据 校园饥饿, 50 percent of community college students and 47 percent of four-year college students reported food insecurity. 分别有25%和20%的人的粮食安全水平非常低.
We have partnered with River Bend Food Bank to provide perishable and non-perishable food to any BHC student.
Even if you feel you have enough to eat, sometimes redistributing financial resources can help. Feel free to visit either BHC food pantry and use the money you had reserved for food for a different need.
***NEW LOCATION: With the Building 3 remodel, the Hawk's Cupboard has moved to a temporary location.***
Building 4, Restaurant (2nd floor, next to the Hawk's Nest) when there is a student worker present
Available the first and third Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters. 请提前登记,以便我们知道要打包多少包. 上午11点在4号楼外停车.m. 到1p.m. 我们会在你的后备箱或后座上放几袋食物. Reminders with dates and a map will be emailed to every student before every drive-up event.
- 1月. 24
- 2月. 7 & 21
- 3月6日 & 20
- 4月3日 & 17
1号楼(BHC EC警察局旁边)
Available the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month during the fall and spring semesters. 请提前登记,以便我们知道要打包多少包. 上午11点在1号楼外停车.m. 到1p.m. 我们会在你的后备箱或后座上放几袋食物.
春季2024 EC开车日期:
- 1月. 24
- 2月. 14 & 28
- 3月13日 & 27
- 4月10日 & 24
- 5月8日
电子邮件 counseling@makersrun.com.
食物和卫生用品可随时送到两校The食品储藏室. 你也可以做一个 现金捐赠 在线.
A counselor is a faculty member as well as a master’s degree-level professional trained in counseling. 辅导员还与教职员工一起担任顾问和培训师.
An academic advisor is a professional staff or faculty member trained to assist students with academic planning. Advisors make referrals for various student concerns to counselors or other campus services.
- 适应新的环境或新的文化
- 建立自尊
- 选择专业或职业道路
- 应对悲伤、失落和沮丧
- 学习新的沟通技巧
- 学习压力管理
- 克服数学或语言焦虑
- 克服社交焦虑
- 解决与老师、朋友或亲戚的矛盾
很高兴知道你并不孤单. 这些是我们可以帮助学生解决的一些最常见的问题.
- 职业发展和决策
- 学术和教育规划
- 适应大学生活
- 压力和时间管理
- 学习和应试技巧
- 焦虑
- 改善人际关系
- 儿童及家庭问题
- 家庭暴力
- 解决冲突
- 抑郁症
- 文化/跨文化问题
- 酒精和物质使用
- 沟通问题
- 消除自我挫败行为
- 悲伤和失落
- 性侵犯
- 对朋友的关心
- 转介到社区资源
政策 & 形式
政策 & 形式
你的咨询信息是保密的. No information about who is receiving counseling or the nature of their visits is released without the written permission of the person. 例外情况包括传票, 在目前虐待儿童的案件中, 或者如果有一个表达的意图来伤害你自己或他人. 十大平台网赌下载最新 counselors adhere to the ethical standards and practices of the American 咨询 Association, 亚历山大, VA.
In accordance with the 学生自愿披露 of Private Mental Health Act (IGP 59.1), 十大平台网赌下载最新为学生提供授权的机会, 以书面形式, the disclosure of certain private mental health information to a designated person of their choosing.
的 学生自愿披露 of Private Mental Health Information Act in the state of Illinois provides you with the opportunity to designate an adult whom you would like us to contact in the event that you experience a mental health emergency that puts you or others at risk for serious injury or death. 您不需要指定联系人. If you would like to designate an Emergency Mental Health 联系, please fill out the 在线 form.
This Act states that an institution of higher learning may disclose mental health information if a qualified examiner makes a determination that the student poses a clear danger to himself, 保护自己或他人免遭学生或他人的侵害, imminent risk of serious physical or mental injury or disease or death being inflicted upon the person or by the student on himself, 她自己或别人. 合格审查员应当, 在可行范围内尽快, 但在根据本条作出决定后不超过24小时内, attempt to contact the designated person and notify the designated person that the qualified examiner has made a determination that the student poses a clear, 对自己的迫在眉睫的危险, 自己或他人.
If you desire to designate a person who would receive certain private mental health information in such a situation, 填写表格并注明您是否授权, 或者拒绝授权, 信息的披露.